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Enlighten Up

20 Simple Truths

10 Lessons from a Near Death Experience

A tiny collection of big lessons from near death experiences on life, love, purpose, passion, presence and peace.

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21. More than Mindfulness

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20. We all Deserve Love

the rest of your life begins now. and it matters more than you'll ever know. You are worthy of a life you'll love. Just begin.

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19. Seek Out Experiences That Fill You Up

In the end, we're all beings of love and light. But only some of us have learned how to glow.

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18. Be Present

the power of presence. finding freedom and flow through mindfulness, magic and mojo

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17. Explore Your Edges

We're porous to the world - tripping and slipping and finding and losing and re-discovering it all anew - in every moment

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16. Be Gentle with Yourself

So be gentle with yourself. Be kind to your mind.

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15. Feel the World Fully

Allow yourself to feel sounds - to hear colors - to taste smells - and fully feel the multi-sensory magic of being embodied, in this very moment.

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14. Write Your Own Story

Your only job is to discover what works for you. This is your life. The expectations of others can shrink our story and sap our spirit. Allow yourself to take wrong turns and bump into corners and curbs as you discover the story that is truly yours to live. The maze is the mystery. Explore and find your way.

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13. Unwind Your Mind

imagine that stress and tension are akin to walking around with a clenched fist. just expand your hand, and let it go.

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12. Trust Your Intuition

Your journey is yours alone.

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11. Get Inspired (letters to your younger self)

Let your mind open to new portals and new possibilities. Give your spirit space to stretch. See the world through new eyes.

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10. Be Kind to Your Mind

you don't need to worry about you and me being in a room alone and me tearing you down.

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09. Tiny Steps in the Direction of Your Dreams

whatever it is that you truly want in life, begins with a single step in the direction of your dreams. So lift your foot, and just begin.

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08. Don't Overthink It

Are you ready? close your eyes, and just begin.

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07. What do Empaths See?

This is a gift - embrace it - for even when it hurts, you are living deeply - and that is how life is meant to be lived.

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06. Turn People Into Trees

The minute you get near humans, you lose all that. And you are constantly saying ‘You are too this, or I’m too this.’ That judgment mind comes in. And so I practice turning people into trees. Which means appreciating them just the way they are.”

Categories:Enlighten Up

05. You are Not Your Thoughts

"THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN SEEING THOUGHTS AS THOUGHTS, VS SEEING YOURSELF defined by the THOUGHTS THEMSELVES, IS akin to DIFFERENCE BETWEEN RUNNING UP HILL for the rest of your life, vs putting down a giant weight, and finally, if only for a moment at a time, feeling free. " -atiny book about big feelings

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04. What is Your Kriya?

Karma. Dharma. Kriya. These are the 3 components of a spiritual life. Discover yours...and live them well.

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03. Amor Fati

Allow yourself to evolve through every phase, and every stage of your life. Things change. Relationships change. Don't allow yourself to dwell on the inevitable evolution that your life take. It's all part of a bigger, bolder and more auspicious plan. Have faith. Close your eyes. And just believe in a bigger story than the one you're leaving behind.

Categories:Enlighten Up

02. Find Your Own Path

Life purpose can often feel like a tricky thing; But the truth is, we all have unique gifts. Unique perspectives. And unique areas of experience and expertise that we can offer the service of making the world a better place. This is how you change the world - and the only place you can truly begin, is right here - and right now.

Categories:Enlighten Up

01. Am I Present?

how to find a mindfulness alarm when you're lost in thought, lost the plot or are otherwise distracted by life

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